Mixed Media Art Retreats, Updates
Here are a few captured moments from April’s Retreat in Cambria, California. Always an amazing and inspiring experience, witnessing the unfolding of each person’s creativity during the weekend. There is something magical that happens when we allow...
Online Courses, Uncategorized, Updates
I revised my online course Envision Your Soul Dreams and also added how to create Vision Prayer Flags. So now you have two options on how to create visual reminders for your goals & intentions. The perfect way to end the year and welcome the new year! Enroll...
Events, Mixed Media Art Retreats, Updates
Again, another successful and inspiring retreat. It seems each one we do just gets better and better each time. I have to say I absolutely love doing these retreats. It really allows my creatives to immerse themselves in the creative process without the distractions...
True Creativity Within Workshops, Updates
Thanks to the Associated Artists of the Inland Empire for inviting me to talk about Mixed Media and do a demonstration. They were such an organized and welcoming group. Thoroughly enjoyed it!
Events, Mixed Media Art Retreats, Updates
Another successful & creative retreat and I’m still basking in the afterglow of it. It was such a joy spend four days with such a great group of people in such a wonderful little town near the ocean. I was amazed and inspired by the level of creativity that...