Discover You Are An Artist
If you have ever thought to yourself, “I’m not creative, I’m not an artist,” well, I know for a fact you’re not alone. If this has been the reason you have avoided doing anything creative or artistic, be assured that this is the most common thing that keeps people from exploring their creativity.
But what happens if deep down in your soul, you yearn to create art or to do something creative and you don’t listen to that yearning? I know first hand what happens when you ignore that voice, that calling. It just keeps knocking on your door until it gets the attention it deserves. But worse yet, something within you remains unfulfilled and empty. Something that you can’t ignore forever.
“Don’t die with your music still inside you.”
Dr. Wayne Dyer
I believe it’s never too late to begin exploring your inner artist and yearning to express yourself creatively. That’s why I’m always so excited when a newbie artist arrives on this page (like yourself). I feel honored to be part of their creative journey.
If you are new to mixed media or any sort of art practice here are two, easy to dive into, self-pace online courses to get you started.
As soon as you enroll, you get immediate access and can get started right away.
Remember, to give yourself permission to be a beginner, to not have to create perfectly and enjoy the process of creative discovery and learning 🙂

Art Journaling For Beginners
Throughout history, art journaling has been used by artists as a tool for capturing ideas and inspiration. Art journals have also been a common place to record trips, memories and one’s legacy. But it can also be a transformative tool to utilize during life’s transitions, when you need to gain some clarity on a major decision or just need to process thoughts and feelings in a visual way.
It can also be the ideal way to to begin a creative practice, especially if you are new to art making or any form of artistic expression. In your art journal you are allowed to get messy, be imperfect and create without any prior art experience. It can become a safe place to explore your creativity and PLAY!
Mixed Media Minis (“M&Ms”)
Working small and on multiple pieces is the perfect process to get out of over thinking and get your creativity flowing.
I often use this method as a warm up before working on larger pieces or if I feel the larger format is too daunting. It takes the pressure off and instead you have permission to have fun.
Mixed Media Minis (or Art Tiles) are also great for taking art making on the road while traveling.
Or if you want to carve out a quick session to do something creative, M&Ms are the perfect and convenient way.
But what excites me the most, are the tiny treasures of art that emerge from these miniatures.