Garland of Paper Beads & Other Findings


With Lisa Agaran

Wednesday, October 11, 2023
Sheraton Airport Hotel, Portland, Oregon

This will be an in-person workshop being held at the October 2023 Art & Soul Mixed Media Retreat in Portland, Oregon

The garland has been used throughout centuries by different cultures for both celebrations and spiritual purposes. It symbolized purity, beauty, peace and love. A garland can also be used to decorate your creative or sacred space with positive intentions. In this fun and unique workshop you’ll get to blend handmade paper beads, drift wood, found objects and other findings into a beautiful, handcrafted hanging garland. This artistically rich and tactile project will be the perfect addition to your art wall or studio. Combining Gelli plate prints (or painted papers), fabric scraps and craft cord, you’ll create interesting and unique paper beads for your garland. You’ll also incorporate a little hidden slot to hold affirmations, your favorite quote, prayers or secret messages. Spend a day with me creating something magical and creative.

Must register directly through

Materials You Will Need to Bring to Class

Materials Fee of $15 paid to the instructor at the beginning of class
Instructor will be providing printed instructions and additional materials

*Consider a color scheme when pulling materials together*

Gelli Plate (any size no less than 5 x 7 in. ) and & brayer
70 lb. inexpensive drawing paper or bond paper (size sheets to be determined by the size of your Gelli plate).
Fiber materials (ie. fabric scraps, Sari ribbon, cheesecloth, batik fabric scraps, etc.) These are small pieces roughly 1- 1/2 in. wide x 2 in. long
Twine or string (17 in. long)
Embroidery floss or craft cord OR other interesting fiber string
Small driftwood or cut branches (3-3 1/2 in. long)
Handmade Papers (ie. Mulberry paper, washi paper, etc.) small strips for wrapping around driftwood
(1) larger driftwood or branch 5 in. long to hang garland from
Tiny, thin branches, twigs or stems (OPTIONAL)
Variety of found objects & findings of your choice (asian coins, small pebbles, sea shells, beach glass, buttons, small keys, ceramic findings, etc)
Acrylic paints (colors to work with your chosen color scheme)
Matte medium, Decoupage OR Mod Podge
Aleene’s Tacky Glue
Crafter’s Pick The Ultimate  OR any fast drying strong glue
Waxed Paper, silicone mat OR any non-stick surface to place under your garland while adhering beads to your ribbon.
(OPTIONAL) Black & white printout of a favorite photograph (subject should be nature related like flowers, trees, sea scapes, close ups of sea shells or leaves, etc.) to fit on the 2 1/2 x 3 in. watercolor paper pieces (as listed above).
Paint brush for applying matte medium/Mod Podge
Cup & bucket (ie. portable collapsable) for water (Note: there will be no sinks in the classrooms, but you will be able to fill your cups/buckets with water).
Paper Towels & hand wipes
Ruler, Straight edge or Triangle
Hairdryer & extension cord/power strip