This workshop is only available as an online course
Throughout history Prayer Flags have been used in eastern religions as a way to send out into the world intentions of good will, compassion and healing. They were also hung in living spaces not only as a reminder to be mindful of these intentions, but to restore peace & calm. Tibetans believed as the wind blew through these flags the intentions (prayers) would be spread out into the world. Prayer flags can also be used as a type of vision board holding our dreams or goals.
Join me as you spend a day creating your very own Prayer Flags containing your personal intentions or goals for the New Year. At the beginning of the workshop I will take you through a brief guided visualization to help you get connected to what you wish to achieve in 2018. After establishing your top 3 goals or intentions for the New Year, you will create a prayer flag for each one. We will use a combination of fabric, scraps of material, collage and found objects. You will have the opportunity to personalize each flag with your favorite imagery, quotes and found objects that reflect your intentions. At the end of the workshop, you will take home your very own Prayer Flags, ready to hang in your sacred space, studio or home.
Materials you will need: Acrylic medium, collage materials, acrylic paints, string, drift wood, brushes, embroidery needles, embroidery string, glue to adhere found objects and a collection of different fabric scraps, a good scissors sharp enough to cut fabric, imagery (magazine clippings) that you connect with, favorite quotes & interesting found objects.