Create It Collage It

Create your own original designs & collage papers.

“You were born creative.
It has always existed within you.

Its sole purpose is to move you towards
your inner knowing,
and your true nature.”
– Lisa

Discover You Are Creative

It’s never too late to start
honoring your true creativity

Create | Share | Belong

Feel supported & encouraged during
your creative journey.
Connect with other Creatives

Creative Spirit Mentoring

Is your Creative Spirit stuck or uninspired?
Working with Lisa can help get your creativity
flowing again. Find out how

I believe True Creativity already exists Within all of us. It’s an inherent part of being human. A trait that has existed since the beginning of time. So why do we struggle with owning this natural born part of us?

If you are ready to explore your newly discovered creativity, own that inner artist that has been calling to you or develop a deeper & trusting relationship with the creative process, you came to the perfect place. My offerings are designed to not only help you expand your mixed media passion, but to learn how to use your inherent creativity as a tool for self-care, connecting to your inner wisdom and more! I also help you become more self-aware of the blocks that get in the way of the flow of Creative Spirit.

Your Creative Journey

Discover You ARE Creative

Are you new to art making and exploring your creativity? Don’t know where to start? Your creativity is a precious thing that requires the right support and encouragement. I believe having the right guidance in a safe space is essential in discovering you ARE Creative…and Yes! An ARTIST.

Creativity For Self-Care

Did you know there is something far deeper and meaningful to art making? It’s about re-connecting to who you really are. Learn how to deepen trust in yourself and in the creative process by developing an art practice for self-care, inner wisdom and well-being. Our creativity is a tool to help us flow from Creative Spirit, a higher power.

Mixed Media Tips & Tricks

Passionate about developing your bag of mixed media tricks, skills and techniques? Learn in the comfort of your creative space and at your own pace. I offer a variety of Self-Pace Online Courses to help you develop and advance your mixed media skills, create unique projects and more!

Why Mixed media is the preferred medium to use when exploring your creativity?

Mixed media is the ideal approach to creating because you get to blend different mediums like collage material, acrylic mediums, watercolor, found objects and more. With mixed media you have the freedom to get messy, be imperfect and let go of expectations. There’s less pressure for perfection, to look artistic or to follow any limiting rules. It allows you the flexibility to experiment, play and be spontaneous in whatever you create. During the process we invite accidents or mistakes to happen. That’s when we uncover those unexpected gems of creative magic, during the creative process. We also discover the artistic beauty in the imperfections.